Healthy food and plates to keep your body fit and healthy

All of us suffer from crap food who contains a lot of fats and unhealthy organs that lead us to store fats in our body and be so unhealthy which usually cause bad diseases.
We all should take care of what we should eat and what we should avoid, we have to avoid all unhealthy dishes and food in order to save our bodies being fit and healthy and to avoid bad diseases and we have to focus on healthy foods that helps us so healthy and fit.
Elders are weak because they were unhealthy since they were youngers, so hey guys, do you want to be weak and to wait someone to walk you on? 
,None wants to be weak, nont wants to be ill, none wants to have bad diseases! So lets build our body today for our future.In this topic i will tell you some good healthy and yummy food :)

Make most of your meals vegetables and fruits - half of your plate !

Go for whole grains - Quarter of your plate 
Like: Whole Wheat , Barley , Wheat , Berries, Quinoa , Oats , Brown Rice , and Foods made with them

Protein Power - Quarter of your plate
Like: Fish , Chicken , Beans , And nuts

Healthy plant oils - in moderation
Like: Olive , Corn , Soy , Peanut , Sunflower and Canola.

Skip sugary drinks it will mess up your healthy body , drink milk so healthy.
Enjoy having a healthy life!♥

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