How to build a muscular healthy bodybuilding

First of all, you have to get rid of crap food, fast food , chipsy and coca. All these things would mess your body and you wont be able to have a healthy body with these crap.
*You should eat protein for good body building
 *You need to eat more, and more calories
{ you have a specific amount of daily calories you should ask a doctor }

If you are a beginner any workout will be good for you like: push-ups, deadlifts, bent-over rows, bench presses, dips and military presses.

*Workout hard everyday follows it a resting day so you rest your muscles and be able to continue the next day healthy*

♦Eat every 3 hours, that helps building your body.

♦Eat ice cream after finishing workout by 2 hours or something

♦Drink a cup of milk before sleeping, that helps a lot. 

♦Have a yogurt in your breakfast.
Follow these instructions to get a healthy body ;)

see you guys

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